Demand the Angola government to respect the law and human rights and release Luaty Beirão

Because human rights should be respected all over the world!

Luaty Beirão has been preventively arrested in Luanda, Angola, together with other 14 people, charged with suspicion of crimes against the state security. According to the Angola's law, such suspects can only be preventively arrested for 90 days. Another 125 days can be added if a sustained dispatch is issued. In spite the fact that no such sustained dispatch has been issued, Luaty Beirão is still in prison and fighting for his life.

Please show your support for this cause and help us to save the life of Luaty whilst showing the leaders of this world that laws and human rights are to be respected! Thank you very much!

Atualização #29 anos atrás
Luaty Beirão termina greve de fome! Luaty Beirão ceases his hunger strike!
Atualização #19 anos atrás
"Luaty Beirão não cede e mantém-se em greve de fome há um mês" -
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