Suspend Police Officer Who Gunned Down Familys Golden Retriever

  • por: Kelly Rogers
  • destinatário: St. Louis Police Department Chief Patrick Herblet

 Personally apologize to the family whose Golden Retriever was murdered as an act of police brutality and suspend the officer responsible

The incident occurred in Gratiot County of St. Louis, Michigan. Neighbor Lori Wimsley was outside at the time and said that 8-year-old Golden Retriever Scout was playing outside. He ran to her yard as she called him over to play, and shortly after ran back into his own yard when a police officer appeared on the scene. He attempted to catch the dog after asking Wimsley whether the dog was hers and learning that it was not. Upon cornering the dog, and producing from it a “little growl”, the officer proceeded to shoot the dog in the head several times.

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