This is a serious problem and Labor must be made aware of it ASAP by as many people as possible. What we want is a provision in the legislation that rules out native Australian forest biomass as an eligible source of energy for the RET. This would be by way of a definition. It is not acceptable to wait for the government to introduce native forest biomass by way of a regulation and then try to change it because, as Labor well knows, we can't get the numbers to knock a regulation off. This is Labor saying they agree with us on NF biomass, but not taking the only action that can stop it. The 'beautiful loser' play we are meant to swallow.
If native forest biomass is a deal breaker for the ALP then they will insert a definition that excludes it into the legislation, and if the government defeats that, then they will vote the legislation down. This needs to be put to them firmly .
It would also be a good idea to tweet Butler not to sell out and to ensure he takes active steps to exclude native forest biomass via text in the legislation. He's in Melbourne, so at least this would get through to him. I expect his office will pass it on if he gets another rush of messages too.
Contact MARK BUTLER and BILL SHORTEN directly to strongly oppose burning native forests in order to generate electricity
Forests are a biomass of LIVING ORGANISMS with a plethora of native animals
***it demonstrates a lack of brain power, decent planning and ideas for a fair go, solutions to generate electricity
*** to do something so negative and GROSS and that will cause so MUCH MISERY AND SUFFERING for native animals and birds / koalas