Help save Dexter!!!

  • por: Lindsy B
  • destinatário: Santaquin city, Utah - Judge Williams

I have never in my life been so sick and sad about the justice system! Back in October my dog got out when I was gone and nipped at a girls leg, skin was not broken and no blood, she even seemed ok with the situation and testified in court that my dog was a nice dog! However, the judge did not care, referred to my dog as a "critter"several times, and ordered him to be killed as of Monday morning! The dog was not quarantined and has never had any kind of problem, my neighbors love him and everyone that meets him seems to fall in love with him🐶💜 today is his 5th Birthday and it will be the last one we will spend with him, my heart is broken, my kids are broken and I just can't believe that this could happen! Dogs have souls, they have hearts, they have families. I think that this would be easier if my dog had done something wrong but nipping at a girls leg is hardly a crime, but no second chances in this town! I just wonder how many other people this is happening to! Please, if anyone can think of something to save my dog by Monday, please help! If I do not turn him in I'm facing 6months Jail time and they will still kill my dog!
I would also like to wish my sweet sweet Dexter a Happy Happy Birthday! You have brought so much joy to our family and we love you so much, thank you for being the best dog ever! Santaquin city needs to change the law and show some love for animals! Please feel free to share this petition and help save my dog and all the other dogs that are dying in this town!! #JUSTICEFORANIMALS!

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