Demand Governments impliement recycling policies that recycle 100% of Single Use plastics, Now!

    Globally today there is about 8.3 billion tons of plastic in the world and some 6.3 billion tons of it is trash. Less than 10% of this plastic is actually recycled. Single use plastic usage and production has to end but until then we have to demand that our plastics are actually being recycled. Did you know that with 40,000 plastic bags or 3400 milk jugs you could construct one park bench. There's so many innovative and creative ideas for what we could do with single use plastic but they are not being implemented at full scale because of no clear recycling policies. These recycling policies could create more efficient, effective, and inexpencive recycling processes and facilities. So please join me and sign this petition inorder to bring this issue to our governments attention. We must demand that governments create better recycling policies that encourage innovative ways of recycling plastic waste for a cleaner future.
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