Close down the Barry Co. Puppy Mill

  • por: Kathie Perez
  • destinatário: Julie Nakfoor Pratt 269 945-1297,

HASTINGS, Mich. — A group of dog rescuers claim that a man in Barry County is running an unsafe puppy mill. The group said that they’ve made several trips to the home and have rescued a total of 16 puppies since July. They said that they traveled from the east side of the state just last Friday and took another 10 puppies. They paid the breeder $4,000 to take the 10 dogs out of the home.
The dogs have little to no human contact, harsh conditions, including frozen water bowls inside the kennels. The dogs, several of them have injuries. One was missing an entire paw, and it was just limping around. One had a fresh wound on its face.”
Barry County Animal Control said that they investigated the Hastings breeder back in July after receiving complaints. After evidence was submitted, the prosecutor’s office decided to not press charges. of now, no charges have been filed. We MUST change this! Please sign this petition to give to the Prosecutor Julie Nakfoor to let her know this is NOT acceptable and charges MUST be sought to shut this dreadful place down.

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