Little Beautiful was an inncoent puppy brutily killed by terrorist scum who placed explosives in her mouth and left her for dead on the streets. Beautiful's snout was completely blown off and as a consequence of this brutal terrorist attack on an innocent victim, Little Beautiful was euthanized. 

Little Beutiful died in massive pain, without feeling love or lifelong human kindness. 

We are sure the Bosnia government and the Bosnian people are kind and would not allow this act of animal terrorism and severe animal cruelty to go unsolved nor unpunished.  We are asking the Bosnian Government and the Bosnia people to find and punish the scum who terrorized and killed this innocent puppy. 

God Bless Little Beautiful and God Bless Bosnia.

Atualização #111 anos atrás
Dear Supporters,
Thank you so very much for signing our petition for Little Beautiful, the puppy who was killed as a result of some scum placing an explosive in her mouth. Can I ask you two favors? Can you please forward this petition to friends and family if you can and place it on your social network? We have also emailed Ellen DeGeneres in hopes she can help us get the word out as well.

Thank you so very much for your support!

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