A lot of animals are killed every year in the scientific laboratories. They use animals to test all kind of products. Some of them are very dangerous poison, and the animals die in terrible conditions. When the product injected doesn’t kill the animal, it is killed after the test. When an animal enters in a laboratory, it will never go outside again because it will die or being killed. Those laboratories inflict terrible things to those animals and it is quite cruel how they treat a living thing. In 2008, more than one million animals were used for testing the safety of chemicals in Europe and they all die. All types of animals are used for those experiments the most used are the domestic animals and the majority are babies. They are taken in the kennels; they already arrive in the laboratory in terrible conditions. Then, they are washed and brought in the laboratory. But even after a negative test result the product is sold because a lot of owners of the products pay them so that they can sell it. We need to stop this killing to save the lives of millions of innocent animals because even if they are animals they still are a living creature and sometimes when you have a pet you can really have a relationship with it as if it was a human.
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