Punish Criminals Like This Rhino Horn Trafficker Who Was Extradited To The USA!

  • por: Eric Rardin
  • destinatário: Senator Bernie Sanders

What kind of human being would exploit critically endangered animals for profit?

Add your name if you want to make sure people like him pay the MAXIMUM price!

"An Irish man extradited to the US for allegedly trafficking endangered rhino horns has appeared in a Texas court.

"John Slattery, 30, from County Limerick was arrested by armed gardaí on Friday, May 22, and extradited to the US to face the charges.

"Slattery is accused of traveling to Texas along with two others and purchasing horns valued at $18,000 from a taxidermy shop through a third-party buyer known as a "straw buyer." US authorities allege that Slattery then brought the horns to New York and sold them for around $50,000.

"He is also accused of falsifying a bill of sale to make it look as though the transaction in Texas had been legal and authorities claim that he added a false and fictitious Fish and Wildlife Service Emblem to the document to make it look authentic," reported Irish Central.

Someone like this has to be punished BIG TIME, don't you think?

But here's the problem...

It's likely that he will only get a slap on the wrist.

"The Journal reported in April that it was "virtually certain" that Slattery would serve a one-year sentence in a Texas prison," said the same source.

Does that sound like justice to you?!

A measly one year...

In return for trafficking the horns of critically endangered rhinos.

It's time to punish people like Slattery for real.

That's why we're asking Bernie Sanders to lead a movement in Congress that would impose stricter punishments on criminals who are convicted of trafficking in items related to endangered species.

Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty. He's the perfect person for this role.

Don't you want the like of John Slattery to face true consequences for doing enormous harm to our world's wildlife?

Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would punish them severely!

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