Evict Governor Newsom

    On July 25th, 2024, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered state agencies to remove homeless encampments This executive order comes on the cuffs of Gov. Newsom’s march to the California Supreme Court where he successfully gained legal support in banning people from sleeping on public property.

    The mandate comes at a time when increasing rents and lack of affordable housing are pushing more and more families and individuals into the streets. According to the Point-in-Time (PIT) count conducted in January of 2023 in California, an astounding 180,000 people were homeless – including children. While some temporary shelters exist, there are not enough temporary shelters to house this many people. As a result, people make homes out of tents, cars, and any other items that will make a shelter and band them together (encampments), most often, for safety reasons.

    According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, homelessness violates the very principle of human dignity, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted by the United Nations, states that an adequate standard of housing must be met.

    The generally accepted definition of homelessness includes people living in:

    · Open spaces

    · Emergency accommodations

    · Camps

    · Temporary accommodations and

    · Those persons living in severely inadequate and insecure housing.

    And no, they're not "refusing to work" or "homeless by choice". A report by the Urban Institute's Housing Matters research initiative reveals that 38% of adults with families and 45% of single homeless adults are employed.

    Recognizing that the office of Governor is a temporary position, so is the housing that comes with that position. As such, Gov. Newsom is, by definition, homeless. This homeless governor is now disrupting lives even though he is in the same position as other homeless people with one exception – those tax-paying citizens who are without housing are still helping to pay the Governor’s rent when they can’t afford rent of their own.

    And that AIN'T right!

    If Gov. Newsom has made it so that homeless individuals must vacate their temporary homes because they live on government property, then so must he.
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