Save Last Rainforest in Kenya

  • por: Roman Klevets
  • destinatário: Kenya Wildlife Service and Government of Kenya signatures: 202

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Save Mau Forest Complex in Kenya and assign it a national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site . Mau Forest is the main
water catchment area in Kenya. Millions of people depend on it , and more animals. Its destruction will lead to a chain ECOLOGICAL disasters. At this
photo you can see that from the unique Mau Forest were only small pieces . Mau Forest is home to many species of animals, including
rare bongo antelope and elephants . Until now, no measures for forest conservation not yielded results. Maybe the only way to save
forest is to show the world its importance and that you have to fight for it . Assigning it a National Park and World Heritage
attract more funding to the problem and attention. In the Mau Forest as in the Serengeti and Amboseli National Parks can develop tourism , from which
receive benefit both animals and people .

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