Discipline Hospital Workers Who Threw Out Dying Man

  • por: Kristi Arnold
  • destinatário: Cumberland County Hospital, N.C. and AlliedBarton Security Services

Hospital security guards sent a North Carolina woman's son home in a taxi since he was “unresponsive” and not cooperating. The man was either dying or already dead. Tell hospital security to discipline its workers for throwing out a dying man.

AlliedBarton Security Services loaded the man, a lymphoma patient at the hospital for 10 years, into a taxi despite the expressed concern of members of the hospital staff.

His mother is seeking damages for negligence, wrongful death and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Tell Cumberland County Hospital and its security company, AlliedBarton, that workers who threw out a dying man must be disciplined.

Dear Sirs,

We the undersigned ask that you discipline hospital workers who kicked out a dying man.

Hospital security guards sent a woman's son home in a taxi since he was “unresponsive” and not cooperating. The man was either dying or already dead. Tell hospital security to discipline its workers for throwing out a dying man.

AlliedBarton Security Services loaded the man, a lymphoma patient at the hospital for 10 years, into a taxi despite the expressed concern of members of the hospital staff.

Workers who threw out a dying man must be disciplined.

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