Cease the PennEast Pipeline Project

  • por: Emily Wilson
  • destinatário: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The PennEast Pipeline Company is a private company that wants to pump fracked gas from Pennsylvania, through northern New Jersey, and beyond. This pipeline, if approved by FERC, would cut a 125-foot swath for 108 miles, starting in Luzerne County PA and ending in Mercer County NJ. The proposed route would cross 88 waterways and may pose a risk to the wild and scenic wildlife of the Delaware. The Pipeline is proposed to cross 44 wetlands and 30 parks.

We, the undersigned, would like to start a petition against the proposed PennEast Pipeline. PennEast is a private business that will force people off their land, will create only short term jobs, and would only be a way for a private company to transport their gas from Pennsylvania through our backyard to somewhere else.  Land, homes and businesses anywhere near the pipeline will see property values drop. This will impact the owners of those properties and our overall tax revenue contradicting the claims of a better economy in the area.

The environmental impact is by far the most worrying. Crossing 88 waterways, 44 wetlands, and 30 parks, this pipeline risks the area's natural beauty and the habitats of endangered species including the Bald Eagle, Ospreys and wood turtles among others.

We respectfully urge you to choose the environment over big business. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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