New Jersey Needs a Strong Climate Action Plan Now

Sign this petition to tell Gov. Chris Christie that you support a strong statewide plan to counteract the effects of climate change. New Jersey needs a Strong Climate Action Plan now!

Hurricane Sandy is a historical storm that has devastated the Mid-Atlantic region of the USA. New Jersey is among the states hardest hit. Climate experts have linked Hurricane Sandy's force with climate change. Warming ocean temperatures and increased water vapor in the atmosphere fueled this hurricane. New York's Gov. Cuomo has recently said that there needs to be dramatic changes to our infrastructure to deal with the "new normal" of extreme weather events. Gov. Christie needs to wake up and be a major force behind preparing for climate change. New Jersey needs a strong Climate Action Plan that both arms New Jersey against future extreme weather AND works towards stopping climate change from becoming more serious. We need a plan that encourages:

1. Improved weatherization of our infrastructure

2. Improved emergency response systems

3. Increased access to public transportation

4.The use of renewable energy sources

5. The reduction of waste and industrial pollution

6. The construction of energy efficient buildings

Sign this petition if you think Gov. Christie needs to start taking climate change seriously. Sign this petition if you think we need dramatic change now!

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