Free Shoujo

Japanese Fisherpeople have driven dolphins into a cove where they separated an albino baby dolphin from her mother forcefully. The mother stopped breathing out of shock and grief after her baby was taken away from her. People brought the baby and other dolphins to a small pool where they are held captive until they bring them to amusement parks where they are enslaved for life to serve people and make them money. (Whales have become crazy in confinement). This is very cruel. I am calling all politicians worldwide to stand up for the baby dolphin as well as for all dolphins and whales to be released back into the oceans and never be harassed again.

Dear Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,


Please bring the albino dolphin girl Shoujo, another albino dolphin girl and all other dolphins back to the ocean where they belong and where they can be healthy. I wrote and sang a song for her:


My petition for Shoujo closed today with 170 signatures including my own signature, my husband’s signature and the signatures from 168 other people. We all demand that Shoujo and the other dolphins be released back into the ocean as soon as possible. The dolphins need to swim hundreds of miles with high speed each day in order to stay healthy.


Please initiate immediate action to bring the dolphins back to safety into the ocean. Please abolish dolphin hunting, whale hunting, dolphin and whale capturing and dolphin and whale captivity.


Sincerely, Nicola Reddwoodd, Paul Norup and 168 other people from around the globe.

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