Ask Nebraska to Stiffen Convictions, Charges & Penalties for all Forms of Animal Abuse

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Nebraska State Legislators

Nebraska has considered some felony charges in the case of dog fighting and some other animal cruelty issues but those charges are dependent upon several factors and whether it is a first, second or subsequent offense.  Read, and other laws nationwide,,

The question is why would anyone get a second or subsequent chance to harm an animal? Most of us grew up learning very early on, or we should have, that animals are living, breathing creatures who deserve to be cared for and respected.  Those who do not learn such reverence and compassion often regard animals as objects to harm and abuse.  It has been a proven fact that abusers as a child grow up to abuse as adults, with a clear link from animal abuse to harming humans.

In order to protect animals and make a huge impact, it is important to implement stiffer animal cruelty laws, charges and penalties.  Any and all offenses against an animal needs to be implicated as a felony charge, from the first offense, with penalties such as longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal sales, care, breeding and treatment business. Additionally, such abusers need to be placed on an animal cruelty registry and be banned for a lifetime working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their life. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it should be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust.

The effort in this petition is to encourage Nebraska State Legislators to create such tougher laws, felony charges and penalties in order to make an impact in protecting animals.  You can join me in this effort by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own ideas and comments to help and protect these animals.

Nebraska State Legislators – I strongly urge you to create such tougher laws, felony charges and penalties in order to make an impact in protecting animals.  Any and all offenses against an animal needs to be implicated as a felony charge, from the first offense, with penalties such as longer jail sentences, higher fees, possible acts of community service hours and also being placed on an animal cruelty registry to be shared nationwide with anyone within the animal sales, care, breeding and treatment business. Additionally, such abusers need to be placed on an animal cruelty registry and be banned for a lifetime working with, caring for or owning animals for the rest of their life. There shouldn’t be any second chances because it should be common knowledge that abusing an animal, just like abusing a human is wrong and unjust.

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