Save the Wolverine!

Only about 300 wolverines remain in the continental United States, mostly in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service withdrew a proposal to grant them threatened species status.

Wolverine populations have declined since the 19th century because hunters killed them for their dense, dark fur. Climate change is expected to hurt their populations further: they only thrive in arctic climates, and federal biologists believe their remaining U.S. habitats are destined for destruction.

We need to protect these interesting and precious animals before it's too late! Sign the petition to urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to save the wolverine!

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your decision to deny threatened species status to wolverines. We understand that only about 300 wolverines remain in the continental United States, mostly in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.

Wolverine populations have declined since the 19th century because hunters killed them for their dense, dark fur. Climate change is expected to hurt their populations further: they only thrive in arctic climates, and federal biologists believe their remaining U.S. habitats are destined for destruction.

We need to protect these interesting and precious animals before it's too late! We respectfully urge you to grant threatened species status to wolverines before it's too late!

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