Create A Memorial of ACHIEVEMENT for Terry and Orlin Norris!

Their are other memorials throughout the city of Lubbock.
People that have been acknowledged because of their accomplishments not just locally but throughout the world even. Where is the Acknowledgement of Achievements for the City and the community of East Lubbock for Terry And Orlin Norris? Two World Champions in the sport Recognized world round.
Boxing is an Olympic Sport as well. Is it because they come from the East Lubbock the part of the city that is annexed from the rest of the City?
A Predominantly African American community. Do you think it would be beneficial to the citizens that live there to
see a Pillar of Hope and Perseverance these Two Brothers have gone through to become successful as they are today? Absolutely!!!
Are you Aware that Terry Norris suffers from CTE
(pugilistic dementia)? Because of his sacrifice to provide for his family as well. You have a Multi Cultural University that supports all Nationalities and especially their citizens past present and future.
Do not continue to overlook the Achievements of Both of these Two Men that overcame adversity in one of America's Oldest and Respected Past Times.

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