Request Northern Manitoba is appointed their own Animal Protection Officer.

We are asking the Manitoba Government to acknowledge the need for Northern Manitoba communities to have their own appointed Animal Protection Officer.

Winnipeg is the closest Animal Protection Officer for the North. The distance makes it extremely difficult to have an APO attend situations that need immediate attention. Sometimes it takes weeks to have an officer attend a abuse/neglect some cases this is too long....and it is too late . Also, the distance makes it hard for follow ups to happen, many times follow up NEVER happen.

We, at the Flin Flon/Creighton and Area SPCA do not have the legal rights to investigate, remove or charge animal abusers. Currently, we ask the local RCMP to assist when they can. We feel we are not able to do all that we can for the animals in our area. We would like to see animal abusers charged for their crimes and also ensure that the animals in these cases are legally and safely removed from these situations.

We ask for you help to sign our petition, be the voice for the animals in Northern Manitoba. Let our Government know that we are in need of our own Animal Protection Officer.Let the animal abusers know that they won't get away with neglect and abuse anymore ! Our animals deserve the same rights as as the animals in Southern Manitoba. We can not wait any longer. The time is now !
Thank You from all of us at the Flin Flon/Creighton and Area SPCA and all the animals that will benefit from this service. And this is also for all the animals that lost their lives from abuse and neglect are loved !

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