Move the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act Forward

Dear Governor Murphy,

Please ensure that the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act moves forward quickly.

As you know, the NJ Library Construction Bond Act was approved by a majority of voters in New Jersey on November 7, 2017. It was also passed overwhelmingly in Cranbury.

In Cranbury, this 14-month delay has had a significant negative impact on our plans for a free-standing public library with community space. We have a shovel-ready project, funded by $2.5 million in private donations and are anxious to move forward with the new building. Donations to the project tapered off once the Bond Act was passed, as our community anticipated a quick application and release of matching grant funds to finish the project. Rising construction and material costs move the goal further away with each month of delay.

Cranbury has been working as a community to raise funds for a new public library since 2009 when a Foundation was formed by a group of concerned citizens who were committed to raise the funds for a free-standing public library; Cranbury is the last township in New Jersey where the public library is shared with a K-8 school library space. 

The Cranbury Township Committee donated the land for the new library in a space identified on the master plan since 2010. The new library can operate fully on the minimum New Jersey library appropriation. We expect the new library will serve as a community anchor and invigorate our downtown business area.

By raising $2.5 million in private donations, our community has demonstrated the need for a new public library. Please help us cross the finish line and ensure the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act moves forward quickly.

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