Helping homless in recovery

    90% of all homless have drug addiction, mental health issues, & unemployment problems.
    We have to address all theee issues if we ever want to truly help theses people. We cant just ingnor not a singel one of them beause all three are intertwined . And some how we think its possable to get a job when depressed, or they can go to work withdrawaling from substances,. Most of the time they are covering up mental health issues with drug and alchol to cope with the pain and suffering they are going through. We got to see it from where they are... have you ever been on the streets? I have and i can tell you its the hardest thing ive ever had to do. With out help its impossable . Just knowing where to start is only the beginning , having a helping hand , a loving shoulder and a freind to talk to helps . But the most important is a community that understands we are all human , we all make mistakes. We all deserve a second chance, so before you make judgement wslk a mile in their shoes and tell me if think its as easy as " get a job bum!"
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