Save Javan Rhinos from Extinction!

  • por: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatário: Soemadi D.M. Brotodiningrat, Embassador of the Republic of Indonesia; Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia; Komisi Lingkungan Hidup, Commission of Environment

A researcher at Queens University recently confirmed that Javan rhinoceroses are extinct in Vietnam. It is estimated that as few as 40 Javan rhinos exist in the wild, making them one of the most threatened large mammal species in the world.

Researchers are now working to save a group of 29 Javan rhinos living in the small Indonesian area of Ujon Kolong. Though Indonesia has laws protecting their endangered species, poachers continue to trade rhinos with Asian countries who use their horns in traditional yet ineffective medicine. Rhino horns have not been proven to treat any condition.

Indonesian officials must make it a priority to preserve this critically endangered species. Please urge officials to enforce existing laws protecting Javan rhinos and impose maximum fines and penalties on anyone who violates these laws.

We are writing to express our concern with the protection of critically endangered Javan rhinos in Indonesia.

A researcher at Queens University recently confirmed that Javan rhinos are extinct in Vietnam. It is estimated that as few as 40 Javan rhinos exist in the wild, making them one of the most threatened large mammal species in the world.

Researchers are now working to save a group of 29 Javan rhinos living in the small Indonesian area of Ujon Kolong. Though Indonesia has laws protecting their endangered species, poachers continue to trade rhinos with Asian countries who use their horns in traditional yet ineffective medicine. Rhino horns have not been proven to treat any condition.

We believe that Indonesian officials should make it a priority to preserve this critically endangered species. We urge you to enforce existing laws protecting Javan rhinos and impose maximum fines and penalties on anyone who violates these laws.Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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