Tell the NOSB to Raise Standards for Organic Farms!
When most people think of organic farms, they picture livestock roaming and grazing freely on outdoor pastures. People spend a premium on organic animal products because they believe animals are treated better and allowed to live more natural lives than those in non-organic factory farms.
Unfortunately, many large organic farms keep their animals in crowded indoor warehouses most of the time, with only a limited strip of pasture available for grazing. This "greenwashing" practice allows farms to bear the "organic" label to raise profits and boost public relations without doing much to help animals. New footage from farm policy watchdog group The Cornucopia Institute found that 14 livestock operations in nine states aren't providing their animals with even the minimum standards. The animals were found confined indoors constantly, with no access to legitimate outdoor areas or grazing pasture. These operations appear to be in violation of organic standards, and appear to be falsely advertising by using the organic label.
Unfortunately, the NOSB is confident in these operations and sees no need to revise their standards or monitoring. Meanwhile, animals are suffering and conscious consumers are being misled. Please sign the petition to urge the NOSB to raise and enforce standards for organic farms!
We, the undersigned, are concerned with the treatment of animals in farms that bear the "organic" label.
As you know, new footage from farm policy watchdog group The Cornucopia Institute found that 14 livestock operations in nine states aren't providing their animals with even the minimum standards. The animals were found confined indoors constantly, with no access to legitimate outdoor areas or grazing pasture as required for the organic label. These operations appear to be in violation of organic standards, and appear to be falsely advertising by using the organic label.
We understand that the NOSB is confident in these operations and sees no need to revise their standards or monitoring. Meanwhile, animals are suffering and conscious consumers are being misled. We respectfully urge you to raise and enforce standards for organic farms to ensure that animals are getting the superior treatment customers expect from products that bear the organic label. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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