Stop double Merle Great Dane breeding !

AKC claims to be upholding standards in the dog world and looking out for the better of dog breeds yet they allow Great Dane owners to fully register and breed double Merle dogs. For those of you who don't know what double Merle is , it is the practice of breeding two spot color coated Danes ( harlequin to harlequin or Merle to Merle or harlequin to Merle ) any coat on a Dane that has spots and is bred to another that has spots creates puppies with extreme health issues and sometime most puppies don't even survive ! If they do they don't live the best lives , being blind, deaf , having bone and joint problems, have spine abnormalities the list goes on and on. As a giant breed Danes are prone to short lives as it is why are we openly allowing and condoning bad breeding. Akc is suppose to look out for the welfare of a breed and here they are letting these bad breeders register and sell these "high quality" dogs with breeding rights ! I'm here to ask you to sign this petition to make AKC pay attention to color and to deny registration of double Merle litters ! If you care about these dogs or any dogs at all this is where it starts ! We have to hold people to a higher standard and make them do what's right ! The AKC and the Great Dane club of American are the ones responsible for this terrible breeding practice lest stop it now ! Stop the greed protect the breed !
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