Stop the Food Industry's Diabetes Trap!

    Demand Congress pass effective laws to limit high fat, sodium, and sugar in the nation's food supply! Not just timid listings, but actual limits!

    The US must stop trailing the EU in food safety! We urgently need comparable nutrition-focused laws -- without sacrificing flavor!

    The food industry has continually devised ways to induce the public via superficial high fat, sugar, and salt additives. Consequently food has become the "new cigarette". The resultant high levels of obesity and diabetes in our nation should be the impetus for transition from the narrow, profit-fixated focus on flavor only to flavor with nutrition -- preferably plant-based -- similar to what the Europeans have been benefitting for years:

    Don't allow the food industry to keep killing us with their cheap fat, sodium, and sugar additives! Add your name!

    Increase your impact by asking your friends and family to sign. Share on Facebook, X, Tik Tok, via Email.
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