By signing this petition, you will pledge to help save fireflies this summer.
Fireflies are slowly but surely disappearing around the whole northern hemisphere. This decrease in population is due to many causes, but there are some things that we and our neighbours can do to help keep our local fireflies safe from harm.
Here is what you can do:
- reduce the use of pesticides and chemicals in your garden, neighbourhood or balcony
- turn off the lights in the garden so that they can see each other better
- leave some worms, slugs and snails for them to feast on
- let at least 2 square meters of garden to grow wild, giving them cover to live in
- watch them but don't touch, catch or keep them in jars overnight!
- teach your children about the joy of observation, without harming the little critters
- build a small pond or water feature in your garden (fireflies love water!)
- talk to your neighbours and convince them to sign the pledge!
Every small action will be rewarded by a night filled with magic, sparkling fireflies. What are you waiting for? Sign now!