Bring back the classic SuperSecret virtual world

  • por: Hall ♡
  • destinatário: JumpStart / Team SuperSecret

The classic SuperSecret was a fun game for children and teens. There was something for everybody (e.g. shopping, looking after pets, going on adventures etc.) and had very unique quests and gameplay.
However, a few years ago, the game was bought by JumpStart, a company that makes games for younger children. They took the original, unique SuperSecret, and turned it into a rip-off of their game.
Age Points, a fun feature allowing you to "age" when you levelled up, has been replaced with Style Points, which have no real purpose except for unlocking more clothes. (which may draw away some of the audience, not everybody is interested in fashion) All you can really do now is play games and shop, while SuperSecret used to have a storyline with interesting quests, where you could unlock secret locations and play pranks.
All I'm saying is, the SuperSecret you can play from the website is not SuperSecret at all - it's a blatant copy of JumpStart. Even a game created to be similar to the original virtual world, Miya Mackenzie - Before and After, was taken and turned into a mini-JumpStart for toddlers.

Why don't we join in and attempt to persuade the makers of these games to realize their mistake and bring the game back, or at least give us the option to play both.
After all, JumpStart already existed - why let them turn SuperSecret into another one?

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