Demanding a Policy Change so Parents Can Be Notified When Lice is in the School!

  • por: Adriana Foster
  • destinatário: Okaloosa County School District-Policy

My child was sent home for lice And through the nurse, I found out my daughter wasn't the first child sent home with head lice. My main goal is now to change the policy so parents can be advised and check their children's hair to prevent a larger outbreak.
Had I been informed sooner, I could have checked my child and prevented my other daughter from getting lice as well.
Unfortunately, (I was told that) sending such a letter would be against school district policy and violate HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).
Being a professional in the medical field, I studied and am very educated in HIPAA law. Therefore, I know that if no personal information of the child with lice is disclosed (and the letter just states, vaguely, that a child in the school has lice), there will be no violation.

Please help me and other concern parents and sign this petition.

This petition is being presented to the Okaloosa County School District by We the people. The purpose for this petition is to demand the district policy to be rewritten so that parents/guardians of students can be properly informed when their child's school has a confirmed case of a contagious infection, virus, or infestation such as lice is found in the classroom or school. This will help parents/guardians be more aware and help containment of a larger outbreak at school and at home by providing public awareness so that parents/guardians can better monitor children to prevent a larger outbreak with faster treatments and education. This revise policy can be rewritten so that there will be no violation of any HIPPA law. In order to protect HIPPA rights no personal information would be published on letters sent home or on a Robo message. This petition is to help not only the parent/guardians and students but it will benefit the school with less absent students due to any cross contaminations. 

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