Justice for Women Forced to be Sterilized in Peru

  • por: Concerned Citizens of the World
  • destinatário: Peru President Ollanta Humala, Peru Prime Minister Salomon Lerner Ghitis and United Nations Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon

When Alberto Fujimori was President of Peru from 1990 to 2000, his government sterilised 346,219 women. According to the BBC, this program of birth control was not always done with the consent of the women sterilized. Others were misinformed and did not truly understand what was happening.

Although this program had the support of countries such as the United States and organizations such as the United Nations Population Fund, the aggressive and forceful tactics used by medical staff and police made it clear that this was not a program that allowed women to choose whether or not they were sterilized.

So far, nothing has been done except for government and medical staff to pass the blame. Demand that the government of Peru and the United Nations investigate these terrible violations and bring justice to these women.

We the undersigned, demand that Peru and the United Nations investigate the sterilizations that occurred when Alberto Fujimori was president. The testimonies of women who were forced to be sterilized clearly shows that their rights were violated in such a terrible way. They deserve to have justice as being sterilized has forever changed their lives. Regardless of the government’s intent, this program violated the rights of these women as they were misinformed and forced to be sterilized.

Please protect and support your citizens and find justice for these women.

Thank you.

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