This is not animal cruelty? These are no violations?? Are you blind …

  • por: Patsy Margaroli
  • destinatário: Head of Federal food Agency (FAVV): Herman Diricks + copy to minister Ben Weyts.

Animal abuse is and stays inhuman and cruel. Farm animals, or animals for consumption should have a decent life in their short existence: sufficiently large stables, free range, green meadows, being able to see daylight, etc.
In Belgium, Flemish pig farmers were filmed 2 yrs ago by BiteBack organisation, they show a shocking report of animal mistreat and now the abusers drags Bite Back to court !? The world upside down: animal abusers want recognition and permission for mistreating their animals !? The complaint by Bite Back was rejected by the Federal Agency " because “no violations were established by the farmers” !? Are they for real? Watch the video of Bite Back and judge for yourself . Is it "normal" to keep and treat animals this way? You do not agree? Then sign this petition and demand stricter rules and standards for breeders of farm animals . Open the eyes of the FAVV: this IS animal cruelty , these ARE violations: crippled animals with open festering wounds calling “no violating is found" = cruel, inappropriate and not normal! Stop those farmers and punish them, not the other way around, not the animal organization who wants better lives for the animals !

Dear Sirs, 

(second petition, same topic) 

This really is the world upside down: animal abusers are dragging people (BiteBack org.) who demonstrate the atrocities in pig farms to court because The Federal Food Agency saw "nothing wrong".

Are they blind? The photos and videos speak for themselves, they are not manipulated and demonstrate the cruel truth, no more no less. Pig farmers invoke: backbiting and defamation? How can showing the truth be defamation? The shocking images are just showing what really happens in those farms: nobody can deny that. That is no way of treating animals for consumption and must be severely  punished. Animals are living beings with feelings: they experience pain, anxiety, stress, etc. but also love and happiness if they get the chance to… All animals should be treated humanely without exception. What happens in those Flemish pig farms is inhuman and must be punished, not the other way around. If there are no laws that make such treatments punishable, then it is high time they are made.

Check out the photos and videos and if you can honestly say, that you as a living being, would like to be treated that way, then punish BiteBack if you  do not: punish those cruel pig farmers and make sure that such atrocities can no longer occur, and not only in pig farms but wherever animals are farmed for any reason whatsoever.

The animals do not need mattresses with silk sheets, just having a good life: having the opportunity to see and feel daylight by being able to come out from the stables, not being kept in narrow spaces where they can not move and never see daylight of there entire short life.

Be a man, be human, stop this inhuman and barbaric treatment of animals. Make sure there are adequate laws to protect animals against the monster “man”, and do it now!

Thank you.

Yours sincerely.

P. Margaroli


Atualização #39 anos atrás
I send the petitions (2) to the targets, hopefully I get good news. I'll keep you informed!
Fingers crossed !!
Kind regards, Patsy
Atualização #29 anos atrás
Come on people ! Wake up ! Help those poor animals to suffer no more !! Sign this petition and do it now and do not forget to ask your friends to do the same. Help me helping this poor creatures, please?
Atualização #110 anos atrás
URGENT! This petition really needs your help and fast ! The process is coming soon. Pig farmers/abusers want animal rights organization brought to court! Without enough signatures we can not help the animals who spend their whole life in a small cage without seeing daylight! Dead piglets, inflamed eyes, paralysis, ulcers & tumors are the rule rather than the exception. Share this petition with all your friends & family on your facebook page , twitter etc. They need your support & help NOW!
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