Justice For The Orangutans!

  • por: Maria Romano
  • destinatário: The President of Indonesia, Mr Susilo Bambang Yudoyonho and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry

The Indonesian goverment and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry must enforce the law and prosectue individuals or companies who injure, torture, maim, abuse, keep as pets, trade and murder orangutans.

Orangutans are listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which prohibits any international trade in these animals.

Under Indonesian law, orangutans are classified as protected, which forbids capturing, killing, possessing and trading these species. Penalties for breaking the law can total up to IDR100,000,000 (US$10,455) in fines and up to five years of imprisonment.

Violation of these laws must lead to prosecution. It's a crime for people and organisations who commit atrocities against the orangutans to go unpunished.

ENFORCE THE LAW for the national treasure of Indonesia!

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