Urgent! Athens only zoo under starvation threat! Sign, support and share!

Like other foreign companies, suppliers of products ranging from frozen fish from the Netherlands to meal worms from Germany or special additives from France who used to be paid 60 days after delivery are now demanding payment in advance.

"We want to pay them, we just don't have a way at the moment, the country is blocked, I can't get money out and our frozen supplies won't last more than two more weeks," says Jean-Jacques Lesueur, the zoo owner."

"After that it will become very urgent to get supplies. It's a matter of life or death for the animals."

Demand the suppliers of the animal food companies from Germany, Netherlands and France to continue their 60 days after delivery procedure so the zoo animals can survive the economical crisis.
60% of the zoo's animals are rare or even threatened from extinction.

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