Demand the MNRF Protects Wolves and Coyotes in Ontario

  • por: Amelia Meister
  • destinatário: Bill Mauro Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

The MNR in Ontario is currently proposing new hunting regulations for coyotes and wolves. The new regulations would allow for the hunting of an unlimited amount of coyotes in the province, as well as create new boundaries for wolf hunting that don't protect the at-risk Eastern Wolf.

By signing today you are helping to protect these keystone species.


In recent years, the moose population of Ontario has declined significantly. The MNRF has decided that the way to deal with this decline is to increase hunting of wolves, though the Moose Project itself has stated that unless the entire pack is killed it won't make a significant difference and increased hunting is unlikely to take down an entire pack.

The new regulations also take away the "seal" that hunters are required to purchase to hunt wolves and coyotes. The money that is collected from these seals is used for further research into wolf and coyote populations. By taking away this income, the research into the populations of wolves and coyotes in the province will be minimal and therefore accurate management practices will be impossible.

By signing today you are speaking up as a voice for the wolves and coyotes in the province.

We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed coyote and wolf hunting regulations under EBR 012-6073. We understand that the moose population is declining in the province but, by your own Moose Project admission, unless the entire pack is removed, increased wolf hunting does nothing to lessen moose predation.  We hold your ministry to your acknowledgement that systematic removal of whole wolf packs by culling is socially and ecologically undesirable and strongly oppose wolf culling. It has not been proven as a long term solution for increasing ungulate populations and is ethically bankrupt. Also, the majority of wolf predation on moose is done to old and sick moose which does not prevent the population from growing.

We understand that coyotes and wolves are an important part of any ecosystem as top predators. We understand that unlimited hunting of coyotes in Southern and Northern Ontario will do little to prevent livestock depredation. Harvesting disrupts the social stability of territorial pack-forming canids and has been shown to exacerbate predation on livestock.

We also disagree with the proposal to remove the wolf and coyote "seal" as this will remove precious resources for research on the coyote and wolf populations in Ontario and helps to hold coyote and wolf hunters accountable.

Lastly, we demand that the Eastern Wolf, an at-risk species, have its range completely protected, which will not happen in the new proposed regulations. 

We are asking for a better wildlife management plan that treats wolves and coyotes as the important species that they are in the ecosystem

Atualização #48 anos atrás
Good news! Thanks to you and 112 000+ people who signed my Care2 petition, the government has abandoned its plans to limit rules on killing Ontario wolves and coyotes. Your compassion has saved innocent animals! But even with this victory, plenty of work remains to protect Canada's great wildlife and wild places. Can you sign this petition for eliminating unrestricted hunting of wolves in the province of Alberta too?
Atualização #39 anos atrás
Hello beautiful protectors of the wild!
Yesterday I delivered 85000+ signatures to the MNRF from over 20 countries! Amazing! Thank you!
I received word from the ministry that the commenting period has ben extended an extra week so please keep spreading the word. I will deliver extra signatures next week. Also, if you didn't before, please comment directly to the ministry:
Atualização #29 anos atrás
WOW!!!!! 75K+ signatures and counting! I am so excited to deliver these tomorrow to the Ministry. I just wanted to send along a note to Canadian and specifically Ontario signers that you can increase your impact by commenting directly. A local NGO has set up a comment form to make it easier for you:
Thanks again for all your support! Together we can save wolves and coyotes in Ontario!
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Hello everyone!

WOW! Almost 20000 signatures! We will be submitting all signatures to the ministry's registry on Monday, as that's when the comment period ends. If you can, please share the link through your social media so that we can get as many signatures as possible by Monday. Time is of the essence.

Thanks so much!
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