JUSTICE for KELLI - Restore Capital Punishment in Illinois

Friday, November 4th was the funeral of innocent, 14-year-old Kelli O'Laughlin, a victim of a heinous, violent murder in her own home. 

We cannot bring Kelli back.  We cannot erase the pain and suffering she endured during the last minutes of her life that ended far too soon.  And, we cannot eliminate the pain and suffering Kelli O'Laughlin's family and friends will have to endure throughout their lives.  However, we can make a difference in the future and support the steps needed to reinstate the death penalty for the 'Worst of the Worst' murderers in Illinois.

ILLINOIS RESIDENTS:  Sign JUSTICE for KELLI petition and let Governor Pat Quinn, who chose not to reinstate the death penalty in Illinois, know that we support House Bill 1520 and 1519, sponsored by Rep. Dennis Reboletti and Senate Bill 2277, sponsored by State Senator Kirk Dillard. 

We, as Citizens of Illinois, believe that states that have the death penalty available at sentencing have a safer citizenry. 
We put citizen protection, ahead of criminal protection.

For more information:  Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez details the murder charges against John L. Wilson Jr. in the homicide of 14-year-old Kelli O'Laughlin of Indian Head Park.  Attorney Alvarez states that if the death penalty were an option in Illinois, this is a case where we would have sought it: 


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