I Support a Federal Ban on Human Cloning

Did you know that there is currently no federal law in the United States banning the life destroying and unethical practice of human cloning?  Let our federal government and President Obama know that you support a federal ban on  human cloning.  Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America!

Whereas:  There is currently no federal law that provides protection against the life destroying actions of human cloning.

Whereas:  Reproductive human cloning uses the life destroying and unethical process of somatic cell nuclear transfer to produce cloned embryos with the intention of implanting the cloned embryo into a uterus to be born.

Whereas:  Therapeutic human cloning uses the life destroying and unethical process of somatic cell nuclear transfer to produce cloned embryos with the intention of destroying the clone to harvest its stem cells.

Whereas:  Recent scientific developments have proven that there are ethical, life affirming, and successful alternatives to the destructive, unproven, and unethical work of human cloning for embryonic stem cell research.

Therefore:  I, a citizen of the state of United States of America, am concerned about the protection and rights of all human life, and I object to the destructive and unethical nature of human cloning.  It is because of these concerns that I petition the Federal Government of the United States of America to pass a ban on ALL forms of human cloning, and for President Obama to sign the legislation into law.


Thank you for taking the time to read this petition.  May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America!

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