Stop Marine Dolphin Park in Taija, Japan

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Taiji Mayor Kazutaka Sangen, Governor of Wakayama Mr. Yoshiki Kimura
"Cove" town plans to open marine park in Taija, Japan. The plan, compiled by a panel of residents, calls for the creation of "a whale park" stretching roughly 69 acres by putting up a net at the entrance to Moriura Bay in northwestern Taiji, it said.Taiji, in western Wakayama prefecture, aims to officially launch the project within five years after negotiating with the prefectural government, which manages the bay, and with pearl farmers operating there, Jiji reported.

Black whales and bottlenose dolphins caught in waters near the town would be released into the pool, which would be developed as a nature park that also includes beaches and mudflats, it said.

Tell Taija's mayor that whales and dolphins play an important role in the health of oceans and do not belong trapped in captivity for human entertainment and profit.


Taiji Mayor Kazutaka Sangen
Phone: 81-73-559-2335
Fax: 81-73-559-2801

Mr. Yoshiki Kimura
Governor of Wakayama prefecture
Fax: 81-73-423-9500

"Cove" town plans to open marine park in Taija, Japan. The plan, compiled by a panel of residents, calls for the creation of "a whale park" stretching roughly 69 acres by putting up a net at the entrance to Moriura Bay in northwestern Taiji, it said.Taiji, in western Wakayama prefecture, aims to officially launch the project within five years after negotiating with the prefectural government, which manages the bay, and with pearl farmers operating there, Jiji reported.

Black whales and bottlenose dolphins caught in waters near the town would be released into the pool, which would be developed as a nature park that also includes beaches and mudflats, it said.

Tell Taija's mayor that whales and dolphins play an important role in the health of oceans and do not belong trapped in captivity for human entertainment and profit.

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