Hope was found with a bit of baller cord around her neck on a back bog road in Abbeyleix, co. Laoise.She had made it to a farmers barn where she was rescued.She was cold and could not lift her head.hope weighed 20 kilos when she was found, an emaciated shell of a dog.Her normal body weight would be around 40 kg.Hope was on the brink of death and is now slowly nursed back to health by caring Foster , a good vet and the help of the LSPCA.
Dear Minister,
We, the undersigned are asking you with this petition to find, procecute and sentence to the maximum of the law the person or persons who have left a 10 month old Rottweiler girl to starve.This happens all to often in our stunning Island and we feel it is time this is addressed in a public courtcase and by severe punishement to the full extend of the law.We would appreciate a swift return and action on your behalf.
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