Bring Criminal Charges against Ron DeSantis if He Broke Kidnapping Laws

  • por: Left Action
  • destinatário: State & Federal officials

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been busing and flying immigrants out of Florida and dumping them in blue states -- and he may have just gotten himself in a heap of trouble.

It appears that Florida officials used a private plane to dump a group of immigrants in Sacramento. And it appears that they may have lied big time about where the immigrants were going, and what help they would get when they got there. And in California, taking people somewhere by fraud counts as kidnapping -- a criminal offense.

California Governor Gavin Newsom made this point, the California Attorney General is investigating, and if DeSantis was behind this, he should be arrested for kidnapping.

Add your name and demand that Criminal Charges be brought against Ron DeSantis if He Broke Kidnapping Laws

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