Call Out Circus for Going Against Pledge to Stop Using Wild Animals!

English circus performer Thomas Chipperfield has joined Jolly's Circus with a new lion and tiger act, despite past statements that big cats are dangerous and "one wrong move can be fatal." Animal welfare is also a concern, as Jolly's circus reportedly tethered a mule in the heat last month with no food or water, and previously stated that camels can survive with "very little" water.

The Coalition government has drafted legislation to ban wild animals from circuses, yet they went against the will of the public and parliament and allowed a big cat act to enter England. Chipperfield has completely reversed his prior statement on big cat acts and now presents the ONLY tiger act in an English circus. One act is more than enough. Please sign the petition to urge the UK government to honor their pledge to prohibit wild animal acts in circuses!

We, the undersigned, are concerned that the UK government allowed a big cat act to enter England in spite of a pledge to take action against wild animal acts in circuses.

English circus performer Thomas Chipperfield has joined Jolly's Circus with a new lion and tiger act, despite past statements that big cats are dangerous and "one wrong move can be fatal." Animal welfare is also a concern, as Jolly's circus reportedly tethered a mule in the heat last month with no food or water, and previously stated that camels can survive with "very little" water.

We understand that the Coalition government has drafted legislation to ban wild animals from circuses, yet they went against the will of the public and parliament and allowed a big cat act to enter England. Chipperfield has completely reversed his prior statement on big cat acts and now presents the ONLY tiger act in an English circus. One act is more than enough. We respectfully urge you to honor your pledge to prohibit wild animal acts in circuses! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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