Ban the Yulin Dog Festival!
The Yulin Dog Festival is where dogs are kept in inhumane conditions and eventually killed for their meat, which is sold at a big festival. People think that dog meat tastes better when the dogs are abused and die in slow and painful conditions!
Dogs and even newborn puppies are taken off the streets and stolen from their OWN houses. The dogs are squished together in cramped wire cages and transported to dog meat farms on trucks. Dogs are so squished that they hurt themselves. Dogs will be seen with their arms hanging out of the cages and sometimes their faces stuck in the wired cage! They can even break their arms or legs because many other dogs are squishing on top of one another. The dogs aren’t even fed or given water!
Once at the meat farm, dogs are either killed right away or wait for their destiny to be killed. Dogs still are not fed or given water!
The way people kill these dogs is DISGUSTING. The dogs can be killed by being hanged, electrocuted, skinned ALIVE, poisoned, put in gas chambers, shot, or hit and kicked with such force that their heads are bashed in and the dogs die slowly and painfully. The dogs even watch each other get killed.
Dogs are beautiful creatures who love humans more than they love themselves. Why have humans become like this? Dogs definitely don’t deserve this!!!!! Would you ever want to be killed in this way or stolen from your home? I hope not. Please help speak up for dogs.
If you agree, please sign this petition and urge the Yulin Dog Festival to be banned!
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