Ban The Trade In Giraffe Products!

Only about 68,000 giraffes remain in the wild, but their corpses are still being turned into trophies for the rich! Add your name if you want to ban this disgusting trade, once and for all!

"Giraffes are in serious trouble.

"The population overall has declined 40 percent in 30 years, and there are now approximately 68,000 left in the wild. The remaining herds are fragmented and face a multitude of threats, from habitat loss to poaching," according to the National Resources Defense Council.

They went on to say: "the Kordofan giraffe has lost 90 percent of its population since the late 1980s and is down to just 2,000 individuals in the wild.

"Similarly, the Nubian giraffe population is down 98 percent and lives only on protected lands in Kenya."

That's why it's so important that New York state became the first to ban the sale of giraffe products in December of 2019.

"New York will now lead the way for other states to follow in protecting this iconic species," said New York state Senator, Brian Shapiro.

If we make it illegal to buy, sell, or own any part of a giraffe's corpse, we can make a real difference in saving these precious animals.

Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress to enact a law like the one New York passed at the national level.

Don't you want all 50 U.S. states to follow New York's lead, and ban the trade in giraffe products?

Then add your name to ask Senator Bernie Sanders to introduce legislation that would ban the trade in giraffe products all across the United States, before any more giraffes are mercilessly slaughtered for profit!

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