Stop Baby Seal Clubbing

  • por: halley s
  • destinatário: Canadian Government

"Credit of story and petition goes to Tammy Wunsch"The brutality of the hunt and torture of the animals by skinning them alive is appalling and inhumane. Seals that are not skinned alive are murdered with a large, hammer-like mallet which crushes the seals’ skulls. Guns are not used because the risk of a stray bullet ricochet on the hard ice is too great.

Even though “white coat” killing of the baby harp seal pups has been illegal for many years, the carnage continues. By signing this petition below, you will urge Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to end the senseless slaughter of harp seal pups.


Dear Prime Minister Harper:

The senseless slaughtering of baby harp seal pups in Canada must be stopped. As the market for seal fur and seal products decreases and the seal population diminishes, murdering these seal pups will result in the harp seals becoming threatened or endangered.

The Inuits have always hunted seals and use the whole animal for meat and leather products. The fur hunters’ torturous clubbing, or worse skinning alive, of the baby harp seals is inhumane and deviant. Thousands of seal carcasses are discarded after being skinned and brutalized.

Harp seals are social creatures and live and breed in colonies. They are not a threat to the fishing industry as their diet is varied. Killing these beautiful creatures can only be detrimental to the larger ecosystem.

I urge you to stop the brutal clubbing of harp seal pups. Killing these innocent creatures is not necessary and unethical. Those hunters defying the ban on “white coat” killing need to be legally punished and fined. Please don’t allow any more torture and violent harp seal deaths to occur.

[Your Name Here]


Dear Prime Minister Harper:

The senseless slaughtering of baby harp seal pups in Canada must be stopped. As the market for seal fur and seal products decreases and the seal population diminishes, murdering these seal pups will result in the harp seals becoming threatened or endangered.

The Inuits have always hunted seals and use the whole animal for meat and leather products. The fur hunters’ torturous clubbing, or worse skinning alive, of the baby harp seals is inhumane and deviant. Thousands of seal carcasses are discarded after being skinned and brutalized.

Harp seals are social creatures and live and breed in colonies. They are not a threat to the fishing industry as their diet is varied. Killing these beautiful creatures can only be detrimental to the larger ecosystem.

I urge you to stop the brutal clubbing of harp seal pups. Killing these innocent creatures is not necessary and unethical. Those hunters defying the ban on “white coat” killing need to be legally punished and fined. Please don’t allow any more torture and violent harp seal deaths to occur.

[Your Name Here]

Atualização #18 anos atrás
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