Stop the Use of Pig Gestation Crates and Extreme Cruelty to Georgia Pigs!

We in Georgia are eating pork that comes from animals in extreme distress and abuse situations, causing the meat to be inferior quality and not fit for human consumption.   Please sign the petition asking Georgia Department of Agriculture and the State of Georgia to outlaw tiny, miserable gestation crates and to adhere to Humane Gestation practices.  As stewards of the animals it's our repsonsibility to care for them and respect them as we do ourselves, as the purpose for their lives are to sustain our own.  We abuse them we abuse ourselves and reap disease on ourselves.

McDonalds and Heinz have joined in asking farmers not to crate their pigs due to the meat on stressed animals is unfit, slimey and contains stress hormones passed on to humans. Respect for the animals we owe our subsistance to  will help with the quality of their lives adding to the quality of human life! As stewards of the animals it's our repsonsibility to care for them and respect them as we do ourselves, as the purpose for their lives are to sustain our own.  We abuse them we abuse ourselves and reap disease upon ourselves.  In this age of animal cruelty awareness, the exposing of unthinkable, barbaric slaughtering practices in third world and Asian countries, it's awful to think we're not treating our animals any better than these countries do, and we consider ourselves further advanced in humane treatment for all creatures.  Videos and pictures of practices here in Georgia, not only with farm animals, but also with puppy mills, high kill animal shelters and the lack of laws protecting animals from the actions of their owners, is embarrassing and they are spreading like wildfire on the internet.  Please take action to to make Georgian an example to other states and prevent worldwide exposure of the backward and barbaric practices of Georgia farmers.

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