Wrongfully Euthanized - City of Beeville Shelter

The shelter that has been a little to no kill ( 90%) to animals that could be loved and this has quickly changed within two months ( September) ; within two months over 20 dogs ( and undocumented cats ) had lost their life due to EU. For the past four years the shelter had posted them, and coordinated with plenty of shelters, rescues and fosters even those not near bee county in order to find a new home or placement for the animals. The city is going backwards and not improved ways. The past four-five years of so much dedication by a few workers and alot of community has been for nothing! The city needs to understand that Bee County wants it back to how it was because of animal life, and this is not what tax dollars should be paying for.  Main focus- The use of a sedative/Eu mixture of Ketamine, Xylazine, and Acepromazine is in question when they say they use Fatal Plus.  We want answers to who authorized them and what else is going on that shouldn't be without the use of a vet.  Sign, and contact the City of Beeville's mayor and council. The shelter could be ZERO to rarely use of EU but already over 20 furbabies are gone.

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