Demand KRISTI NOEM Resign as South Dakota Governor

  • por: Lotte
  • destinatário: South Dakota Office of the Governor

This petition demands that South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem be removed from political office for admitting in her own words that she cold-bloodily and callously murdered two defenseless animals.

In her book, "No Going Back: The Truth on What's Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward" Noem states how she viewed her dog, Cricket, a 14-month old wirehair pointer, as a "difficult, messy, and ugly" situation she had to deal with with.

On the way home from a hunting trip, Noem wrote that Cricket got out of her truck and attacked and killed a few random chickens, then bit her while in an excited state. Kristi Noem then proceeded to take Cricket to a gravel pit and murdered this poor animal by shooting it dead.

Cricket never deserved this. She never deserved to be put into a position of being forcibly trained to hunt for pheasants. Pheasants that were absolutely not required to make sure Noem and her family to maintain a healthy diet. Cricket wasn't given a chance for redemption, for nothing more than just being a puppy on her way becoming an adult dog.

Instead, Cricket was viewed as "lazy", "untrainable" by Noem. Just pathetic excuses Kristi Noem made to justify her penchant for animal cruelty.

This would not be the last time Noem unleashed her propensity for dispensing animal cruelty. Noem also led a goat to a gravel pit, a goat she had deemed "nasty,mean, and smelly". She murdered this poor animal by shooting it not once, but twice, most likely in an attempt to prolong it's suffering because she hated that animal.

Kristi Noem committed animal cruelty, yet has gone on record on social media to defend her actions. There simply is no excuse for animal cruelty, and there should be no one entrusted to public office that is allowed to get away with it because they feel "I am morally justified".

Kristi Noem, if you had any decency as a human being left, you would RESIGN from your position held as Governor of the State of South Dakota.

To this end, I urge all people that are good, just, and who love animals to sign this petition and get this person who has NO right to hold just an esteemed political office while committing acts of animal cruelty REMOVED as the South Dakota Governor.

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