Demand the Army Investigate the Violation of Chelsea Manning's Medical Privacy

On July 6, an unnamed official at the Army leaked news to the media that Chelsea Manning had attempted suicide while serving a 35 year sentence for disclosing documents pertaining to American military operations to Wikileaks.

Nancy Hollander, lead attorney on her defense team, released this statement:

“We’re shocked and outraged that an official at Leavenworth contacted the press with private confidential medical information about Chelsea Manning yet no one at the Army has given a shred of information to her legal team.

“I had a privileged call scheduled with Chelsea at 2pm Leavenworth time yesterday, after the Army has now said she was hospitalized, but the Army gave the excuse—which I now believe to be an outright lie—that the call could not be connected although my team was waiting by the phone.”

Chelsea Manning has a right to medical privacy - a right that was clearly violated by officials within the Army.

Sign this petition and the Army to investigate why Chelsea’s medical information was leaked, as well as demanding repercussions for the invasion of her medical privacy.

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