Tell the EPA to Stop Sales of Roundup!

Use of glysophate in Monsanto's popular weed-killer Roundup may cause cancer, according to new research from the World Health Organization. WHO scientists say glyphosate in the herbicide is "probably carcinogenic to humans."

Non-organic farmers have used Roundup since the 70s, and glyphosate's use has spiked greatly since then. Now, the probable carcinogen is detectable in air, rain, streams, parks and even in food where the herbicide is used heavily.

Using Roundup on crops may well expose the entire community to a chemical that causes cancer. Please urge the Environmental Protection Agency to halt sales of the product until it is proven to be safe for farm workers and others.

As you may know, new research from the World Health Organization shows that Roundup's main ingredient glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, despite Monsanto's claims that the herbicide is safe.

Non-organic farmers have used Roundup since the 70s, and glyphosate's use has spiked greatly since then. Now, the probable carcinogen is detectable in air, rain, streams, parks and even in food where the herbicide is used heavily.

Using Roundup on crops exposes the entire community to a chemical that probably causes cancer. We respectfully urge you to prohibit sales of the product until it is proven to be safe for farm workers and others. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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