Please sign this petition: Impeach Rick Snyder for trying to hide Flint, MI water crisis.

  • por: Ric Melton
  • destinatário: Michigan State Legislature

Lead in Flint, MI water supply is threatening the health of its inhabitants (and the planet as a whole). The problem was known long before it was admitted. This could happen to your town next. We have to tell our elected officials we will not put up with any more of this unforgivable inaction and corruption.  Governor Snyder and the entire Flint, MI city council must go.  They should all be in prison for what they have done to the residents of Flint, MI.

We are petitioning for the immediate impeachment/removal of Governor Rick Snyder for trying to hide the Flint, MI water crisis.

Atualização #38 anos atrás
Signatures for this petition are still coming in, but not fast enough. So please, spread this petition any way you can (Facebook, Twitter, email etc). And thank you for participating!
Atualização #29 anos atrás
This petition is critical. Please spread the word however you can (Facebook, Twitter, email etc). And thank you for your support.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Wow! We are off to a great start. Please do not give up on this. Our children deserve a safe environment. Demand no more looking the other way from our elected officials. Please, also, spread the word anyway you can (Facebook, Twitter, email etc). And THANK YOU!
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