Let us join forces to help the African Wild Ass to stay alive
- por: Ismail A & Patricia Losch
- destinatário: Eritrea Minister of Land, Water and Environment Mr. Tesfai Gebreselassie, Ethiopian Minister for Environment and Forests Mr. Kebede Yimam to enact a law to ban hunting of African Wild Ass, and protect their habitats.
The African wild ass is believed to be the ancestor of the domestic donkey, it live in the desert and the arid places in Africa in Sudan, Egypt, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea Somalia, it is already extinct in Egypt, Sudan and Djibouti, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature there are about 70 in Ethiopia and Eritrea which are observed , the most optimistic number is less than 400 in Eritrea Ethiopia and Somalia that is why it is classified as Critically Endangered.

Threats are limited access to drinking waters and forage because of the competition with live stock, the interbreeding with the domestic donkeys . And again men is responsible of the African Wild Ass dying out, hunting him with cruelty and savage for his meat for traditional medicines, like soup made from its bones are used for treating tuberculosis, constipation, rheumatism and backache, will sooner or later lead to its complete disappearance. We must urge the government to impose a ban on hunting this animal before it is too late, so many times men have chased and killed animals to their extinction now it is our duty to help those animals survive.
according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature there are about 70 in Ethiopia and Eritrea which are observed , the most optimistic number is less than 400 in Eritrea Ethiopia and Somalia that is why it is classified as Critically Endangered.
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