Don't Rob Native American Women of their Choices

Good moms tell their daughters about the birds and bees. On the Indian reservation, mothers have to talk to their daughters about what happens after a sexual assault. That's because one in three Native American women becomes a rape victim. 

That's heartbreaking enough. But now it also appears that Native Americans are having a hard time getting the Plan B contraceptive that prevents a pregnancy in the aftermath of assault.

Anecdotal reports documented by show that nearby clinics don't carry Plan B and victims get told they have to fill a prescription many miles away from they live. This poses a terrible difficulty for women who have exactly 72 hours after an assault to take the medication and prevent pregnancy.

Tell the Indian Health Service to stock Plan B in all reservation clinics and make sure women have immediate access to it.

We the undersigned are outraged that so many Native Americans become rape victims--one in three women, according to some statistics. But clearly these victims need immediate access to Plan B, a contraceptive measure that prevents pregnancy in the wake of a sexual assault. It is currently far too difficult for patients living on reservations to access this vital, life-saving medication. Make sure Native Americans have reasonable access to Plan B!

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